Betway Blackjack Rigged

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Why Would Online Blackjack Games Be Rigged?

Blacklisted Online Casinos Updated 2021 - Report a casino. These casinos have failed to meet expectations. Learn how to spot & avoid playing at these sites. The common question: Are online casinos rigged? Take a look behind the scenes and learn about internet casino security with our in-depth guide in 2021.

Blackjack is hugely popular for real money players, being easy to learn and with a house edge as low as 0.5% if you use the right strategy. Read our cheat sheet to increase your winning chances, plus play blackjack online for fun and find out the best variations. A common question amongst both new and experienced players is whether or not online casinos are 'rigged' or fixed in some way. This is also a question that gets asked about once every other day on Yahoo answers. The Ipoker Blackjack Rigged only thing missing will be all the action happening on the outside. Internet gambling websites have Ipoker Blackjack Rigged created a thrilling experience which makes playing at home such a Ipoker Blackjack Rigged joy with live casinos and 3D casino Ipoker Blackjack Rigged games.

It's happened to everyone. You spot a dealer holding an ace up-card in a game of European and you opt against insurance. Naturally, the dealer then flips over a 10 to make a blackjack.

And when you decide to stand on 17 the dealer always makes that 18.

It's frustrating, and the anonymity of the whole game makes some Canadian players suspicious. How do we really know that the casino game isn't fixed?

Cases of rigging in online poker have been known (the infamous POTRIPPER scandal, for example, where the site's owner could see opponents' hands) but cases of impropriety in casinos are far scarcer.


It's just not in the interest of online casinos to rig games. The bad reputation they would get if they got caught would be devastating, and anyway, as 'the house' they're always statistically ahead of the player.

How Could Blackjack Be Rigged?


Cases of players rigging games in land-based casinos have been around as long as blackjack itself.

Marking cards to spot 10s and picture cards is an easy way, but casinos and croupiers are highly-trained to spot markers.

Similarly, card counting - although not 'rigging' in the classic sense - is easy to spot and frowned upon. Card counters will usually be caught and banned across every casino in the area.

Not all online casinos are alike, and some of them are downright dastardly, in their day to day dealings and that is why our reviewers identify the rogues for you.

The 'second deal' is a famous method of cheating where the croupier deals the card right beneath the top card (easy to do by a skilled operator). This can only work if the dealer is working with the player he's dealing to, and the second deal is very hard to spot.

Similarly, 'pegging' is a system of marking cards so that the dealer himself can tell what the next card he is dealing will be.

Understand Your Losing Edge

One key problem with conspiracy theorists is that by its nature Blackjack is skewed towards the house.

Betway Blackjack Rigged Poker

With a house edge that can range between anything from 0.89% and 0.65%, Blackjack long-term is a difficult game to win.

The odds are also in the dealer's favour. The 1/1-3/2 payout (depending on what online variant you're playing) for a blackjack doesn't represent the true odds of hitting the hand, so you're always fighting against the house.

Of course, there's nothing to say casino games like blackjack aren't worth playing for this reason (nor is roulette worth avoiding because the croupier has spun 10 #32s in a row, killing your bankroll in the process); you just have to accept the edge they have over you.

Online Blackjack Licensing and Security

Good Canadian blackjack sites will have proper licensing in place to guarantee a fair game.

The Random Number Generators (RNGs) governing the shuffle and deal of the cards will be fair, and more importantly, independently and routinely audited to ensure they're above board.

Similarly, casino payouts from all blackjack games are checked by testing labs working on behalf of the casinos. If any mistakes or software glitches are made, they will be picked up by the auditors.

Online Cheating

But online, things get a bit murkier. Of course, hackers could get into a site's software to change the program to deal out a disproportionate number of high or low cards.

Collusion with a Live Dealer could be possible too, although Live Dealer staff - as in an offline casino - are rigorously checked before they are allowed to work in a virtual casino.

With greater licensing and security in place, however, it's harder than ever to fix online casino games and get away with it. Just roll with the punches and accept that you're always fighting uphill to beat the house.

A common question amongst both new and experienced players is whether or not online casinos are 'rigged' or fixed in some way. This is also a question that gets asked about once every other day on Yahoo answers. So we thought it was high time to answer it.

Before we start, we should point out that by their very nature all casinos games have a payout that is lower than the theoretical 'full odds' of the game (resulting in the 'house edge'). This fact is no secret and one that is not hidden by the casinos - it is also how casinos, both online and brick and mortar, stay in business. This topic has already been covered in the previous article, which you can read here.

With this in mind, when we talk about a casino being 'rigged' we mean one which operates outside of the laws of probability - ie: the outcomes of a game, rather than the payouts, are not as we would expect. For example, if you were to roll a dice 100 times and each time the dice rolled a '6', there is a strong chance that the dice is fixed in some way.

So what about online casinos? Most people that complain about the legitimacy of an online casino do so after a string of losses - either a large number of spins on a slot machine without a significant win, or a run of loses at the blackjack or roulette table. But do these loses related to some kind of manipulation of the game?

Betway Blackjack Rigged Odds

For roulette, many players scream 'fraud' when faced with a run of 10 reds in a row whilst they're betting on black - but does this point to a fixed game, a statistical anomaly or a relatively common occurrence? The odds of losing 10 bets on black in a row, which includes both spins that are 'red' as well as spinning the green zero, can be calculated as follows:

The probability of losing one spin is 19/37 - there are 37 numbers on a single zero roulette wheel and 19 of them would result in you losing your 'black' bet (18 reds + 1 green zero).

The probability of losing two spins in a row can be calculated by taking the odds of losing one spin and multiplying it against itself:

19/37 x 19/37 = 1 in 3.79 (or P = 0.26)

Similarly the probability of losing 10 spins in a row can be calculated by taking the odds of losing one spin and multiplying it by itself 9 times, which is written as:

19/37 ^ 10 = 1 in 784 (or P = 0.0013)

To put this in perspective, this means that if you were to spin the roulette wheel ten times in a row and then repeated this set of 10 spins another 783 times (for a total of 784), you would expect one of those spin sets to be all losses.

Betway Blackjack RiggedOdds

A one in 784 occurance isn't really that rare at all, in fact you have much better odds of facing a run of 10 consecutive losses at the roulette wheel than you do of correctly picking 4 numbers on the lottery (1 in 1,032).

Please note: The odds quoted above are for a full set of 10 spins before any of the spins have occurred. If you have already spun to nine losses, the probability of losing the next spin is 19/37. Chance has no memory and the numbers that have come up previously have absolutely no influence on the next number. If you need this principle explained, read this article.

If players were faced with such a run at a brick and mortar casino, they would likely accept it as 'bad luck'. But because an online casino is essentially a graphical representation of a computer generated random number, people tend to be a bit quicker to jump to the conclusion that a game is fixed.

In reality, the games at a reputable online casino are exactly the same as the ones you would find at a brick and mortar casino. In fact many online casinos actually offer a higher payout percentages (RTP) than their land based brothers - a perk that can be offered thanks to the reduced overheads of not needing to have a physical presence.

A final point to consider is that casinos (both online and offline) do not need to be rigged to ensure themselves a long term profit - this is acheived by the house edge. What a casino does need is volume - the more bets a casino takes, the more profit they will make. A casino where everybody loses simply isn't fun - and if the gaming experienced offered by a casino isn't fun, most players wont return. In this respect, a fair game is much better for business.

Betway Blackjack Rigged Games

Obviously we are not saying that all online casinos are 100% honest - there are people in the world that have questionable morals and there is a chance that some of these people probably do run rigged online casinos. But if you stick to reputable licensed online casinos you can ensure that you're getting a fair game.

The following simple advice should help you find a safe, trustworthy online casino:

Betway Blackjack Rigged Game

  1. Stick to large well known brands that are regulated in the UK such as Bet365.
  2. Play at casinos powered by trusted online casino software, such as Microgaming or NetEnt.
  3. Look for proof of third party audits of a casinos payouts and random number generators.
  4. Use guides, such as the one found on this site, to get recommendations of reputable online casinos.

Is Betway Rigged

Finally, remember that casino gambling is a form of entertainment that comes with a cost. In the long run, the house really does always win - so play for the thrill and enjoyment, but never bet with any money that you can't afford to lose.